For Interstitial Cystitis and Ostomy Patients
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Bed Time with The Reeses

This is our Sunday Night Ritual. I am on the left, my Husband is on the right. Justin is on the left by my feet and Ghengus is on the right by my Husband's feet. The photo across from all of us is one of our favorite wedding photos. I thought it was kind of neat to have the whole family lined up exactly the way the wedding photo is taken and our places in bed with the Maine Coons. It's a cute photo.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thank You Amy!

Amy sent me a Beautiful Bouquet of Flowers this morning because I went into the Hospital. I just wanted to thank her for her kindness and thoughtfulness regarding my health. Amy goes above and beyond the call of duty when she has to and yesterday and still today, she is still doing that for me. These flowers will always be remembered as well as the wonderful magazines she had sent with it. SO KIND! and so THOUGHTFUL! I took a photo of the flowers to remind me of Amy always and her tenacity to get things done and to help her friends when they are in need. Everyone needs to have a friend like this! Thank You Again Amy! I wont' forget it!
Love and Hugs!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fall ing Down.

The trees are pretty. The Rain is dreary. It's Fall in CNY. I am working on finding some answers but it's real hard when there are no doctors in the area and surrounding areas that want to actually help. I am getting really tired of hearing, "I can't help you. Go to your Surgeon in NYC" My Surgeon can't help either or else he would. I have decided I am not going to take "I can't help you" as an answer anymore. From now on I am going to ask them if they will refer me on to someone else. They have way more access to the medical community than I sure do. I am tired of doing all of the work on my own.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Extra Bladder Removal Support and Recovery Support is an Email Away!

Extra Bladder Removal Support and Recovery Support is an email away!
If you want to talk about Bladder Removal and the Challenges you may face while you recover feel free to email me anytime.Bladder Removal has its ups and downs, especially during the recovery period. It can be very scary and very lonely when you don’t understand the changes that your body is going through. I am here to answer/get answers for, or direct you to where you can get some answers: any problems, questions or concerns you may have as you may consider bladder removal as an option or if you have already had it removed and are having problems. If you are new, scared and overwhelmed about bladder removal and what you could expect during the recovery period, I will be here for support as I am going through it myself. Please PM through the site or e-mail me (Kara) at:
My surgery was a 100% success as far as my Neobladder being turned into and Indiana Pouch, but there have been some bumps in the road while I am recovering and this is normal. If you come out of your removal and don’t feel IC free it doesn’t mean that the surgery failed. Sometimes things just have to be ironed out as you recover and that is ok. There is always away around things in life. I will be here to offer support is you need it.
* Bladder Removal/Ostomy Volunteers are not medical authorities nor do we offer medical advice. In all cases, we strongly encourage you to discuss your medical treatment with your personal medical care provider. Only they can, and should, give medical recommendations to you.
(I have put together a 22 page SUPPORT GUIDE that I can send to you though email regarding all aspects of Bladder Removal from: Before thinking about bladder removal and what you shoud know the, ups and the downs, the good, bad, and ugly too.What is urinary reconstruction and diversion? Urinary diversion options. The advantades and disadvantages of each diversion, Questions to ask your doctor if he/she has considerd removing your bladder, Information on Stomas, Ileal Conduits, Indiana Pouches, and more, Help preparing for bladder removal, the emotional and physical aspects of it, inofrmation on catheter care and medic alert information, and a whole bunch of information for those of you who just had or about to have your bladder taken out.)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A new Day, View from my back balcony!

Today is a new day here in Centeral New York. I was up early enough to cath the sunrise. I am hoping today is a good day. It's 7:00AM here. My favorite band is coming out with thier new CD today and I am so excited. The stors open in 3 hours. The Band is Evanescence , the CD is The Open Door[2006]. I have not decided if I am going to buy it on Itunes or go to the store to get it. But this is one thing to be happy about Today!