Sunday, November 19, 2006

Kara's Bladder Reconstruction Recovery 2006 (7 month mark)

This journal represents just Me, not eveyone will go through the same things that I have. We are all different with respect to bladder removal. This journal represents just ME, not eveyone will go through the same things that I have. We are all different with respect to bladder removal.It's important to remember that this journal reflects my personal journey and is not an indication of exactly what other bladder removal patients will go through. I am only at my 7 month mark out of a 12 month recovery, so some of what I am experiencing will pass with time. Some days are up and some days are down. This is just my own experience. Please don't feel like any of this will happen to you! Even though I am battling phantom urgency and neve damage (that we are currently working on), there are still some fun things that I have been able to do while I have recovered. There are photos on here that show some of the things that I've been able to do for fun. They can be found in the Archive Section of this Journal. YOU CAN STILL HAVE A LIFE DURING RECOVERY! I was able to ride a jet ski for the first time in my life while on Cape Cod, I was able to get into a bathing suit even tough I didn't want to because I never wore a one piece before, I went to the NYS Fair, I went to our yearly Clambake until 4 in the morning, and I also went away and celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary. All of this was done during this recovery and then some. So it's not ALL bad. I had some fun this summer! And I have no doubt I will have some fun this fall and winter too. This is my place to come and vent both the good and the bad. I don't mean to scare anyone that is having this surgery. I just tell the truth. If some of it may feel frightening to you, please read no further.